PHOENIX Erasmus +: Erasmus Mundus

Joint Doctoral Program on Dynamics of Health and Welfare

Slavica Karajicic

Student Information

Research topic:

Health Policy, Quality of Health Care, Patient-Centered Care Construct, Education of Health Professionals, Assisted Reproduction

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Degree/Area:

  • 2014-2017, Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program on Dynamics of Health and Welfare- JDP Phoenix- Doctoral Degree (PhD)
  • 2011-2013, The European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems-Erasmus Mundus Program-Vilnius University (Lithuania), Deusto University (Spain), Corvinus University (Hungary), The University of Verona (Italy)- Master Degree (MPH)
  • 2006-2008, Master Postgraduate, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Public Administration and Local Governing, Belgrade, Serbia – Master Degree (MPA)
  • 2001-2006, Faculty of Political Science, Belgrade, Serbia- University Degree


  1. Karajicic, S., (2015, September). Patient-Centred Infertility Health Care: Comparison between Slovakia and The Netherlands [abstract+poster]. 1st Global Conference on Patient Centered Care; Patient Centered Care: Training and Delivery of Universal Healthcare. Nairobi, Kenya (56-57). Kenyatta University, Kenya.
  2. Karajicic, S., (2014). Towards patient-centered infertility health care: Case study Slovak Republic. Health Policy Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia. ISBN: 978-80-971193-9-3
  3. Karajicic, S., Sándor J. and Demény, E. (2014, April). Different perspectives on regulation of assisted reproduction treatments in Serbia and Hungary: A comparative analysis. In Ivan Humenik et al. (eds.), Reprodukcné zdravie zenz v centre záujmu. Paper presented at Conference Reprodukcné zdravie zeny v centre záujmu, Kosice, Slovak Republic, (122-146). Wolters Kluwer Publishing, ISBN: 978-80-8168-035-9.
  4. Karajicic, S. (2013). Policy on Assisted Reproduction in Slovakia. Health Policy Institute, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. ISBN: 978-80-971193-5-5.
  5. Karajicic, S.; Radovic T. G. and Krstic A. (2013). Legal Policy on Assisted Reproduction in Serbia. In Judit Sándor (ed.), Studies in Biopolitics. Central European University, CELAB, Budapest, Hungary (103-112). ISBN: 978-963-88538-9-9.
  6. Karajicic, S. & Muzik, R. (2013). Serbia: An Overview of the Health System. Health Policy Institute, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.


PHOENIX is a Joint Doctorate programme selected under Erasmus Mundus

Project Coordinator: Prof. Laurinda Abreu | Contacts: Isália Morais

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