PHOENIX Erasmus +: Erasmus Mundus

Joint Doctoral Program on Dynamics of Health and Welfare

Needs and Objectives

PHOENIX JDP Dynamics of Health and Welfare - an innovative approach

Specialists on the understanding and integration of societal dimensions within public and private health and welfare sectors are needed in academia, in health and welfare policy-making and institutions, in patient-doctor relations, in public health planning, implementation and evaluation, in NGOs, in international organizations, etc. There is no necessary tension between high quality academic training in research and practical preparation for future professional work in public or private institutions, associations, NGOs and other related parts of the socio-economic sector. Today's globalised mediators of knowledge to experts and the general public need analysts and reporters well trained, with a sense of critical distance, blended with specialist/generalist capacities. This program acknowledges the need for knowledge and skills from the point of departure of humanities and social sciences. It pays special attention to the study and understanding of long and short term mechanisms, dynamics and implications of such changes, with a focus on health and welfare. It is organized without losing sight of the students' need to encounter practical aspects they may meet in their future careers. As an Erasmus Mundus program, it invites applicants from all over the world, integrating comparative European and non-European perspectives.

PHOENIX JPD Dynamics of Health and Welfare is designed to:

  • offer students with diversified academic (social sciences, humanities, public health, medicine, etc.) and professional (public or private) backgrounds the possibility to use theoretical, methodological, analytical and empirical knowledge and skills, increasing their employability.
  • be complementary to the students' previous backgrounds, by individually designed itineraries.
  • make the students acquainted with interdisciplinary approaches: common perspectives, theories and methods of different disciplines.
  • train students to integrate social and cultural dimensions.
  • create a global arena within the field of study, involving associated academic and non-academic institutions in the program.
  • offer students intensive collaboration with external partners through study visits, internships and/or thesis work.
  • train students to analyse the field from both providers' and beneficiaries' perspectives.
  • make students acquainted with the development of health and welfare systems from their origins to the present state.
  • emphasize comparative aspects on different levels (local to global).
  • provide in-depth knowledge about available information and its analysis.
  • train students' critical analysis, individual creativity and capacity to work in teams.
  • train students to communicate scientific knowledge for academia, policy making, media, citizens and public and private institutions.
  • provide students with an added mastery of foreign languages.


PHOENIX is a Joint Doctorate programme selected under Erasmus Mundus

Project Coordinator: Prof. Laurinda Abreu | Contacts: Isália Morais

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