PHOENIX Erasmus +: Erasmus Mundus

Joint Doctoral Program on Dynamics of Health and Welfare

Scientific Leadership

Laurinda Abreu is the Coordinator of the Phoenix JDP. She is Prof. at Évora University and there responsible for the PhoenixEM – Dynamics of Health and Welfare and also for the master Políticas de Bem-Estar em perspectiva: evolução, conceitos e actores. She was the coordinator (2001- 2009) of the ERASMUS Thematic Network PHOENIX TN – European Thematic Network on Health and Social Welfare Policy; and also coordinated (2005-2008) an Alfa Project (European and Latin America project) - GRAPHE - Graduate Program in the Social Dynamics of Health. Her research on the Portuguese poor relief and health care system has been financed by the Portuguese FCT. In this field she has published several books and papers.

Richard Rechtman is a psychiatrist and an anthropologist, Directeur d'Etudes at the EHESS and Deputy Director of the Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux Sociaux (Iris), he is also the Editor in chief of l'Evolution psychiatrique. He directed the Centre Hospitalier Spécialisé de la Verrière (MGEN, 1997-2010) and took on the role of Manager of the Department for Adolescent Psychiatry, created by himself in 1999. His current research is focused on the anthropology of subjectivity and mental health. He has conducted field research on the political and psychological consequences of the Cambodian genocide, and the invention of new psychiatric categories such as posttraumatic stress disorder and psychological suffering.

Ingemar Nordin is Professor at Linköping University. He has been the director of tema Health and Society for many years. He is presently a member of the faculty board for the humanistic and social sciences and the chairman of the committee for PhD studies at the faculty. His field of research is the philosophy of science, with special focus on medicine and health. His current research includes topics concerning the limits of medicine, medical knowledge, decision theory, implementation and the rationality of medicine.

Sam Willner, Prof. at Linköping University is a specialist in Swedish social epidemiology in a historical perspective and director of the local master programme Health and Society at Linköping University and also the responsible for the Erasmus Mundus Master PhoenixEM. He is chief editor of "Hygiea Internationalis", an international journal for the history of public health. Among his scientific production, the book, with Jan Sundin, Social Change and Health in Sweden. 250 years of politics and practise. Stockholm: The Swedish National Institute of Public Health, R 2007:21. 252 pp; & Jan Sundin,'Health and Vulnerable Men. Sweden: From Traditional Farming to Industrialisation'. Hygiea Internationalis.

João Pereira is Professor of the Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública; is president of the Portuguese Association of Health Economy, member of the Scientific Commission of the International Health Economics Association and former consultant of the WHO, FMI, European Union and European Council. He has a PhD in Economy and a Master in Economy of Health, University of York. Among all publications on the field, the following ones have to be highlighted: Pereira, J. (coord.), Economia da Saúde em Portugal. APES, Lisboa, 2007; Pereira, J. e S. Lopes 'Income-related inequality in health care in relation to inequalities in need' European Journal of Health Economics, Vol. Suppl. 1, 2006.

Luc Berlivet combine les apports de la sociologie et de l'histoire des sciences et de la médecine pour analyser la manière dont médecins, savants et administrateurs ont cherché à caractériser les différences observables au sein des populations humaines dans une perspective d'intervention publique. Il a notamment étudié les transformations de la statistique médicale et l'essor, dans la seconde moitié du vingtième siècle, d'un style de raisonnement en termes de "risque de santé" qui a été à l'origine d'une reproblématisation de la santé publique, en particulier des politiques de prévention sanitaire. Ses travaux actuels portent sur l'évolution des conceptions de l'hérédité humaine depuis la fin du dix-neuvième siècle et du rôle respectif de la "nature" et de la "culture" dans l'explication des différences et des inégalités entre individus et groupes humains. Il s'intéresse ainsi à la trajectoire des différentes disciplines scientifiques et médicales impliquées dans des projets eugéniques ; ses recherches portent en particulier sur le cas de "l'eugénisme latin" (France, Italie, Roumanie, Amérique Latine) et aux différentes manières dont fut envisagée l'influence de l'environnement sur l'hérédité elle-même. Parallèlement, il étudie l'histoire de la génétique médicale, depuis son institutionnalisation, aux lendemains de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Il enseigne à l'EHESS et est membre du conseil scientifique du doctorat européen Phoenix JDP - Dynamics of Health and Welfare.

Patrice Bourdelais is Directeur des sciences humaines et sociales at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) since April 2010, and Directeur d'Etudes at E.H.E.S.S and there responsible for the programme Medicine, Health and Social Sciences. He has also been the President of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health. He was the head of the department of social sciences and humanities at the French Agency for the Evaluation of Research and higher education until March 2010. He was the coordinator of the Eramus-Mundus Master PhoenixEM Dynamics of Health and Welfare (2006 – 2011) and coordinator of the Eramus-Mundus PhD PhoenixJDP Dynamics of Health and Welfare (2012-2014). He has published several books and papers on the demographic ageing, epidemics and health practices.

Julian Perelman is an Assistant Professor at the Portuguese National School of Public Health (Lisbon). He holds a PhD in Economics from the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium). His main research interests lie in the areas of equity in health and health care, economic evaluation of healthcare programs, financing health care providers, and applied econometrics. He has lectured health economics, applied health economics, economic evaluation in health, and economic analysis of health systems. He is currently affiliated as a researcher with the Institut de Recherche en Santé et Société (Brussels), and the Centro de de Investigação em Saúde Pública (Lisbon). His work has been published in journals such as Social Science and Medicine, Health Policy, and Medical Care.


PHOENIX is a Joint Doctorate programme selected under Erasmus Mundus

Project Coordinator: Prof. Laurinda Abreu | Contacts: Isália Morais

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