PHOENIX Erasmus +: Erasmus Mundus

Joint Doctoral Program on Dynamics of Health and Welfare


A maximum of eight Erasmus Mundus fellowships will be awarded to 5 non-European and 3 European students.


  • Partner Category fellowships can be awarded to doctoral candidates selected by the EMJD consortium, who come from a "Third country" (other than Member States of the European Union, an EEA-EFTA State, Turkey, the Western Balkan countries or Switzerland) and who are not residents nor have carried out their main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one of these countries. The only exception to this rule applies to Third-Country doctoral candidates who have previously received an Erasmus Mundus masters' scholarship in order to follow an EMMC.
  • Partner fellowships Turkey and Western Balkans can be awarded to doctoral candidates selected by the EMJD consortium, who come from a "WB&Turkey country" (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia & Turkey).
  • Programme Category fellowships can be awarded to any doctoral candidate selected by the EMJD consortium and who do not fulfil the Partner Category criteria defined above.

Management and conditions of EU/EACEA fellowships

PHOENIX will draft candidates' PhD contracts and allocate the funds as specified for both categories research contracts:

  • Fixed contribution for travel, relocation and any other costs:
    • Partner fellowship: €7500 for the three years (€2500 per year).
    • Programme Category €3000 for the three, if it's foreseen a mobility to third countries.
  • Fixed living allowance (2.800€/month): An Erasmus Mundus PhD grant covers 3 years (36 months). With this grant, the PhD candidates will get an employment contract from the host University. It includes contributions for social security and health care according to legal regulations for national employees – all the taxes have to be deducted from this amount, in accordance with the national law.
  • Candidates who have not completed their assignments within the three year period will not receive further EU/EACEA fellowships but are allowed to conclude the program and receive an Erasmus Mundus diploma within a fourth year.

Selection process – admission and time schedule

  • Deadline for the online application form: 09th of January 2015.
  • By the end of May 2015 all candidates that applied for Erasmus Mundus funding will be notified of their preliminary selection status as either:
    • selected for an EM grant (main list)
    • put on the reserve list
    • not selected at all
  • By the end of April 2015, candidates will receive the official selection decision by EU/EACEA.
  • Reserve-list candidates with other types of funding (by companies, public institutions, funds supporting education or research, etc.) may ask for admission to the program, if the PHOENIX consortium acknowledges an adequate and realistic study plan and finds the funding sufficient and lasting for the fulfillment of the whole three year program.
  • Reserve -list candidates can ask the PHOENIX secretariat for a Pre-Admission Letter. This letter can be useful for candidates' searching other types of funding before the start of the program in September 2015. NOTE: These letters are only sent upon request of the candidate.


PHOENIX is a Joint Doctorate programme selected under Erasmus Mundus

Project Coordinator: Prof. Laurinda Abreu | Contacts: Isália Morais

Webmaster © 2011 Universidade de Évora | Largo dos Colegiais 2, 7005 Évora | T: +351 266 740 800 | F: +351 266 740 831 | Last Update: 16-Oct-2015