PHOENIX Erasmus +: Erasmus Mundus

Joint Doctoral Program on Dynamics of Health and Welfare

Consortium members & Staff

The Evora University participation in the program is integrated into an inter-universities doctoral program organized together with three Lisbon Universities. It is a new doctoral program, according to the Bologna process, and the first one in Portugal organized by several universities. A considerable number of its students have grants from the FCT.Two new doctoral programs-History and Philosophy of Science and Contemporary History-will triple the students scientific options.

Consortium program coordinator: Professor Laurinda Abreu -

Consortium secretary: Isália Morais -

  • L'École des Hautes Études en Sciences sociales
    EHESS (Siège)
    190-198 avenue de France
    75244 Paris cedex 13

At the moment, 1,300 doctoral students are registered at EHESS in all social science disciplines, economics and law. A specific doctoral program is already implemented in the field ("Santé, population, politiques sociales"). Research seminars are devoted to sociology, political science, history, demography, law and economics and allow students to be acquainted with the research and knowledge front, generally and related to their specific research topics and contexts. The international collaboration is the rule.

Linköping University has strong connections with the surrounding society, in external collboration with partners from its own region, Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world. It has about 1,300 active enrolled doctoral students in technology, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Its contribution will be organized by the multi-disciplinary graduate school « Health and Society ». The program team represents history, philosophy, ethics, political science, social medicine, medical anthropology and epidemiology. Since the start in 1981, more than 60 students have completed their PhD studies. Two of the unit's major themes can be mentioned as having particular potentials to add value to this PhD: "Philosophy of Welfare, Health and Medicine" and "Social Change, Population Health and Health Politics". The unit has extensive experience in international cooperation in EU-programs and other contexts within and outside Europe.

Local program coordinator: Professor Ingemar Nordin -

Deputy coordinator: Associate professor Sam Willner -

  • Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    Campus de Campolide
    1099-085 Lisboa

The National School of Public Health (ENSP/UNL) at UNL is an institution specialized in post-graduate education (2nd and 3rd cycles) and the leading establishment in its field in Portugal. Its main fields of research are Health Care Policy and Management, Health Promotion and Health Literacy, Environmental and Occupational Health, Epidemiology applied to Public Health Management and Health Economics applied to Financing, Equity and Technology Evaluation. The School doctoral level staff' covers the main areas of Public Health and Health Services Management.

Local program coordinator: João Pereira -


PHOENIX is a Joint Doctorate programme selected under Erasmus Mundus

Project Coordinator: Prof. Laurinda Abreu | Contacts: Isália Morais

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